Gin Cilento Wild Coast 0.70 litre bottle
Cilento Wild Coast is an extraordinary Mediterranean gin that expresses the aromas of the wonderful Costa Selvaggia del Cilento.
Each bottle of Cilento Wild Coast is unique. The botanicals are harvested by hand and the ingredients are different in each season, giving new sensations. This allows each distillation to become an unrepeatable organoleptic work.
The main aromatic part is the red juniper which gives a unique, delicate, intense and Mediterranean taste to Cilento Wild Coast. The other main ingredients are the myrtle leaves which is an abundant species of the Mediterranean scrub, the sea fennel which grows on the rocks bathed by the waves, is full of iodine and has a salty fragrance and finally the lemon peel from the orchards of Scario. These are collected a few hours before distillation.
The product is distilled in vacuum discontinuous stills in dry gin style. The botanicals used to make this extraordinary gin are all collected by the San Fantino farm on its lands on the wild coast between the sea and the mountains located within the Cilento National Park.
Organoleptic characteristics:
Bright and crystalline to the eye. Harmonious on the nose, fresh citrus, enriched with touches of myrtle followed by spicy nuances of sea fennel and red juniper where the scents of the Mediterranean scrub can be felt; On the palate it is perfectly balanced, round, with hints of a light sapidity with a warm finish in which its soft and aromatic part is appreciated. Drink neat or mixed to give a salty and aromatic note of the Mediterranean to your favorite drinks.
In 2021 it won the silver medal at the London Spirits Competition.
Why is this gin extraordinary:
Because the ingredients are extraordinary, in fact the Cilento juniper is a different variety from the common one, it is the Juniperus Phoenicea or red juniper. Its leaves are not thorny like those of the common juniper used by competitors, but they resemble those of cypresses, so you do not get pricked if you pick the cones directly
from the plant when they are perfectly ripe instead of waiting for them to fall to the ground dry. The difference in terms of fragrance is enormous. Furthermore, the other two main ingredients, namely the myrtle leaves and the sea fennel, are picked a few hours before distillation.
The territorial connotation:
Cilento is a National Park and a UNESCO site. That is, it is one of the most beautiful places in the world, too bad that no one knows it exists. The tourist season lasts little more than a month and the population is poor and abandoned to itself. This gin wants to be an ambassador of the richness of this territory and its excellences.